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PostWysłany: Śro 14:53, 09 Mar 2011    Temat postu: On the Makaloa Mat LondonJack Publishedaaobjv

e no heralds of serene justicebut the
disheveled warriors of a mad vengeance. The world sinks into
universal Fury. Victory is neither God's nor the Devil's: it belongs to
On all sidesmadness fascinates man. The fantastic images it
generates are not fleeting appearances that quickly disappear from
the surface of things. By a strange paradoxwhat is born from the
strangest delirium was already hiddenlike a secretlike an
inaccessible truthin the bowels of the earth. When man deploys the
arbitrary nature of his madnesshe confronts the dark necessity of
the world; the animal that haunts his nightmares and his nights of
privation is his own naturewhich will lay bare hell's pitiless truth;
the vain images of blind idiocy—such are the world's Magna
Scientia; and alreadyin this disorderin this mad universeis
prefigured what will be the cruelty of the finale. In such images—
and this is doubtless what gives them their weightwhat imposes
such great coherence on their
fantasy—the Renaissance has expressed what it apprehended of the
threats and secrets of the world.
During the same periodthe literaryphilosophicaland moral
themes of madness are in an altogether different vein.
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